La Cámara de Diputados aprobó, por 316 votos a favor, 129 en contra y 23 abstenciones la ley que regula el uso del cannabis con fines lúdicos, médicos, científicos e industriales. De esta manera, se permite la portación de la sustancia en todo el territorio mexicano. Sin embargo, se realizaron algunas modificaciones al proyecto que obtuvo media sanción en el Senado en noviembre del 2020, por tanto volverá al recinto para su revisión y aprobación final.
La iniciativa permite la posesión de hasta 28 gramos de marihuana por persona, autoriza el autocultivo hogareño de 8 plantas como máximo a los mayores de 18 años y prohíbe su consumo en áreas de trabajo y oficinas. La normativa establece también el otorgamiento por parte del Estado de hasta 5 licencias diferentes para controlar las etapas de cultivo, transformación, venta, investigación e importación o exportación del cannabis y sus derivados.
En lo que respecta a la comercialización, el proyecto ordena la venta de cannabis a mayores de edad por parte de personas y empresas en los establecimientos autorizados. Será el Estado quien fije los porcentajes de THC (componente psicoactivo) y CBD (componente medicinal) que estén permitidos para su venta.
En el caso del Cáñamo industrial, se prevé que tenga una regulación distinta a la del cannabis psicoactivo. Esta variedad de la planta tiene bajos niveles de THC y se utiliza para la producción textil, papel de celulosa, combustible ecológico. Además, las semillas de cáñamo son una importante fuente de minerales.
Andrés Manuel López Obrador asumió la presidencia en 2018 con la idea de legalizar la marihuana y otras drogas, como un plan de lucha contra el crimen organizado. En ese sentido, la aprobación de la normativa es un hecho histórico en un país asolado por el narcotráfico que, desde 2006, cuando se inició una “guerra” contra las drogas por parte del gobierno del entonces presidente, Felipe Calderón, hasta la actualidad lleva contabilizados 300.000 asesinatos y, según lo revelado por el presidente en base a los datos difundidos por la comisión nacional de investigación en el 2020, son 61.000 los desaparecidos.
«Con esto se deja atrás la falsa apreciación de que el cannabis forma parte de los graves problemas de salud pública en México. La regulación prohibicionista sólo logró agravar el problema y generó aumento del narcotráfico y de las muertes», dijo Simey Olvera, diputada del partido Morena, impulsores del proyecto. “Estamos haciendo historia”, sentenció.
De esta manera, México se convierte en el tercer país del mundo, detrás de Uruguay y Canadá, en legalizar el cannabis para todos sus usos y tendrá la oportunidad de ser el líder en el negocio cannábico mundial por el volumen de su población (126 millones de personas).
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Prolonged exposure to hallucinogens can expose the user to experiencing flashbacks. A flashback is when the person abusing hallucinogens goes through a trip after the effects of the drug have worn off. This can occur months or even years after the addict has stopped using the drug. In addition, someone who has been using hallucinogens for a long period of time can experience diarrhea and chills if usage is abruptly stopped. He was admitted to a psychiatric hospital at the age of forty-eight years old where the admitting doctor described his symptoms as visual hallucinations and started him on Risperidone, which increased the intensity of his symptoms. He was also treated with Citalopram for his low mood. It was noted that his symptoms were different from common psychotic illnesses. Detailed history taking and assessment of his perceptual abnormalities over the following few weeks in hospital confirmed the diagnosis of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD).
Two studies enrolled outpatients on medication who had chronic illness (58, 61, 62), one enrolled patients on medication who were within 5 years of illness onset (63, 64). Two studies involved chronic patients who were acutely psychotic inpatients at the time of participation (35, 59, 60), and these patients initiated the trial off antipsychotic medication. One study appears to have included a mixed sample of outpatients on or off antipsychotic medications (58). Two studies examined the effects of oral delta-9-THC on cancer pain. The first, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving ten patients, measured both pain intensity and pain relief. It was reported that 15 mg and 20 mg doses of the cannabinoid delta-9-THC were associated with substantial analgesic effects, with antiemetic effects and appetite stimulation.
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Enjoy your first month for just £1 / $1 / €1 There will be 76 clear days between the end of the current Premier League season and the start of the 2023/24 campaign, which is due to begin in mid-June next year The 2022/23 EPL will surely be one to watch for as there have been a lot of top strikers signed by top-flight clubs in the league. Both sides picked up maximum points in their latest Premier League outing. Chelsea have been confirmed as the Premier League champions while Sunderland, Middlesbrough and Hull City will be relegated, and that means the focus of supporters in the final week of the campaign will be on the battle to finish among the top four places. Liverpool have reduced the gap between them and Man City, holding a valuable game in hand, with a chance to move even closer ahead of their trip to the Etihad in April.
Sir Mark pledged stronger neighbourhood policing and an uplift of 1,600 PCSOs Liverpool are reportedly unable to sign Brighton & Hove Albion midfielder Moises Caicedo this month due to the Ecuador international’s price tag, with the Reds not willing to meet the youngster’s asking price. Bellerín made his competitive debut away to West Bromwich Albion in the third round of the League Cup on 25 September 2013, coming on in the 95th minute as a substitute in a penalty shootout victory after a 1–1 draw. Known for his opinions on political matters, Bellerín has declared himself left-wing and not a supporter of any political party. Julen Lopetegui has revealed Goncalo Guedes asked to leave Wolves ahead of his loan move to Benfica. About Advertising Contact Privacy Terms Midfield is an area Liverpool are keen to boost. Klopp brought in Arthur Melo in the late summer window on a season-long loan from Juventus.
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The Italian’s one full season with Everton started very well but tailed off with the Toffees ultimately finishing 10th. Let me just say, too, that it is touching for Carlo Ancelotti to say that he still follows them. He has coached so many historic clubs over the years like Milan, PSG, Bayern Munich, Napoli, Real Madrid, and Everton. And yes, though the Toffees have fallen on hard times lately, they are absolutely a historic club that should be respected. Carlo Ancelotti’s squad requires major strengthening after another desperately disappointing campaign Ancelotti Jr has followed his father footsteps into coaching, after being forced to retire early in his playing career due to injury, with roles alongside him at Paris Saint-Germain, Napoli, Everton and Los Blancos. That is not what the 66-year-old had in mind when he took over in 2016, who has always yearned for stability at Everton.
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Tournament poker at Bovada can be further broken down into two categories: multi-table tournaments (MTTs) and single-table tournaments (STTs), which are exactly what they sound like. STTs are typically played using the Sit-and-Go format; as soon as the table fills, whether it’s heads-up, 6-max or full-ring, the game begins. There’s also a special Jackpot Sit-and-Go for three players, where the winner takes home up to 1000X their buy-in. But regulated real money sites offer the most opportunities to win real cash. Can I play for real money on PokerStars in the USA? Players in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan can now play real money poker on PokerStars online. They are “fenced-in” sites specific to those particular states and player pools, however. We hold players’ funds in segregated accounts, so that your money is always safe.
Most penny slot machines encourage players to bet on multiple pay lines or to bet more than one penny per line. It’s relatively easy when playing a 5 reel slot machine with 25 pay lines to wager $1.25 per spin without even realizing it. Our final tip is to make sure to match the deposit bonus offered by the provider. Such promotions are most frequently used for penny slots online. However, these deals gain more popularity among land-based operators. Wherever you choose to play, take advantage of the welcome offer and get the most of your experience with casino penny slots. The name speaks for itself and when you decide to give penny slots at trial, you don’t need a sizable bankroll. In land-based casinos, these games are quite popular in spite of the fact that the name is quite misleading. That’s because the minimum speed values usually revolve around 50 or 100 credits. Since the credit is worth one cent, you end up betting significantly more, up to one dollar per round. Even this amount is quite affordable even for recreational players, so they don’t mind the deception.
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