El espacio de trabajo se creó para avanzar en el desarrollo de la nueva cadena productiva en el país en torno a la planta.
El Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senasa) creó a través de la resolución 454/2022, la Mesa Estratégica de Cannabis medicinal y Cáñamo industrial. La conformación fue publicada en el Boletín Oficial y se designó a Diego Ezequiel Peña como el coordinador general.
La conformación de la mesa de trabajo sucede en el marco del avance en la creación de la cadena productiva del cannabis y a la espera de la reglamentación del mercado nacional mediante la ley industrial 27.669.

Esta nueva área deberá coordinar los distintos trabajos a realizar con los organismos nacionales que llevan a cabo tareas alrededor de la planta. En ese sentido, la mesa del cannabis y el cáñamo se centrará en “las potencialidades en torno al desarrollo de esta nueva cadena de valor”.
El documento publicado en el BO detalla las medidas a tomar por parte del Senasa en lo que respecta a la “realización de acciones de fiscalización y de control correspondientes para cuidar la salud pública y proteger los estatus sanitarios”.

Siguiendo esa línea, la presidenta del organismo, Diana Guillén, señaló que desde el Senasa buscarán estar presentes como institución. “Nos proponemos fortalecer el trabajo para acompañar el desarrollo productivo de cannabis medicinal y el cáñamo industrial», aseguró.
Por otro lado, el coordinador de la Mesa, Diego Ezequiel Peña, indicó que se prevé trabajar en conjunto con otros organismos, agrupaciones, consejos y universidades.

“Se coordinarán acciones con las principales instituciones que ya se encuentran trabajando en el desarrollo del sector, como el Instituto Nacional de Semillas (INASE), el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), el Instituto Nacional de Asociativismo y Economía Social (INAES) y el CONICET”, enumeró Peña.
Principales objetivos de la Mesa estratégica de Cannabis medicinal y Cáñamo industrial
El encargado de la Mesa hizo especial énfasis en lo que respecta a la articulación interna del organismo e indicó que se hará “de manera transversal con todas las áreas del SENASA”. “El objetivo principal es estar cerca de la producción en todo el país”, aseguró el activista.
“Estamos avanzando en cuestiones concretas”, confirmó Peña y agregó que se convoca a cada dirección nacional y general a que tengan un referente en esta materia que pueda articular con las distintas coordinaciones.
Según precisó el coordinador, se buscará analizar las normativas vigentes y promover la actualización de las mismas o la creación de nuevas “que contemplen las realidades de este sector que está creciendo”.
En ese sentido, Peña destacó la importancia que tendrá el Senasa como socio estratégico para «acompañar y fortalecer las acciones que hoy tiene en cuestiones de fiscalización y control sanitario”.
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Writing a scholarship essay is one of many important documents you will need when you apply for a scholarship. Contrary to what most people think scholarships are and what they initially started as, there are now many types of scholarships you can apply for. One tip to set yourself apart from other applicants is making sure you’re tailoring your scholarship essay to the type of scholarship you are applying for. Many scholarship essay questions want students to talk about their heroes. While it may seem odd to ask students to discuss someone other than themselves, it’s actually a great way to learn more about an applicant’s passions. Scholarships often come from individual organizations that strive to support education. Therefore, application essays should often demonstrate the author’s passions and beliefs that align with the organization’s interests. Frequently, people refer to scholarship essays as scholarship application letters.
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The Wild Respin is triggered when the Super Lion lands on the middle reels. The Wild will expand to cover the reel and create a stacked reel, with this reel also being sticky while the other reels spin. If you love the Slotomania crowd favorite game Arctic Tiger, you’ll love this cute sequel! This is yet another addition to our Junior Series game selection, along with Mighty Silver Jr. and Silver Lion Jr. Spin an adventure with two new ways to win Free Spins and unlock a new Free Spins Feature! Roaring re-spinsThere is no feature as I said but any Rainbow Lion appearing on any of the centre 3 reels will expand fully, pay any wins and then hold for a re-spin and then pay again if applicable. Should another one land you get another re-spin up to a maximum of 3 if they all appeared one at a time. That’s all folks!
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If you’re looking for the best online casinos to play your favorite games for real money, you’re in the right place. This guide will walk you through the top 5 online casinos in Alabama. You can access those top online casino sites through your desktop, tablet, or smartphone. The best casino can differ from one player to the next, depending upon your situation. For example, some real-money online casinos are the best for high-stakes roulette players, while others are best for casual players that love bonuses. You can check out our reviews of the best sites, including Caesars Casino and BetMGM, to find your perfect match. When casinos were first introduced online for players to participate, they weren’t as real as physical ones since real money wasn’t used. In other words, people just played for entertainment and viewed it as a recreational activity.
» MORE: How to make money online and offline Some online casinos cut a lot of games for their mobile version. Look for mobile casino sites that provide a wide range of slot games, as well as a decent number of table games and live dealer titles to enhance your overall gaming experience. The online casinos on this page offer a huge selection of high quality, profitable real money slots. Click on «Play» to go to the casino of your choice or click on «review» to read our review and learn more about what this casino has to offer. Real money online casinos are virtual casinos that allow players to wager and win real money. There are a variety of casino games available, but not all of them have the same RTP (return to player) percentage. Games with a higher RTP tend to be more favorable to the player, as they have a higher chance of winning. Some of the most popular high RTP casino games include slots, blackjack, and roulette.
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Madrid rallied past Paris Saint-Germain at the Bernabéu 3-1 to overturn a 1-0 loss in Paris in the round of 16. Karim Benzema scored a hat trick in that game, and the red-hot France striker got another three-goal performance in the first leg against Chelsea last week. Gabriel Jesus made it 3-0 just three minutes after that, as he cleaned up another busy scene inside Chelsea’s six-yard box after Xhaka was initially denied by Arrizabalaga. And in extra time, it was 34-year-old French forward Benzema who ended Chelsea’s fightback with a thunderous header, having scored a hat-trick that included two superb headers in the first leg. Arsenal are heading back to the top of the Premier League and Chelsea are heading for a sixth defeat under Lampard!
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Bitgert (BRISE-USD) has been rallying for the past few days and has gained 42%-plus in the past seven days. However, all that glitter isn’t gold, and the project has some suspicious characteristics to consider before you invest. 2024 could start on a good note for Bitgert. This year, the coin could reach a maximum price of $0.00037. The minimum price and average price might range between $0.00018 and $0.00028. The Bitgert platform boasts of developing robust and overwhelming fundamentals. Our Bitgert price prediction for 2024 predicts that the coin will continue its bullish momentum, and Bitgert will likely achieve a maximum price level of $0.00000097. Bitgert might record a low of $0.00000084, with an average trading price of $0.00000086. Wallet Investor experts also predict a slow rise in the price of Bitgert. Therefore, the maximum price that BRISE might end this year is around $0.0000006. By 2025, the price could increase by 82.2% and reach $0.00000086. As of 2027, the price might increase more and reach $0.00000113 by the end of the year.
KIN is a cryptocurrency for a blockchain ecosystem originally built on Ethereum and Stellar platforms. Later, KIN was moved off of Ethereum and migrated to their own blockchain, which is a fork of Stellar. The project is developed by Kik Interactive, based in Canada. They have made one of the biggest mobile messengers, dubbed Kik Messenger. Now it has over 300 million unique user accounts. The platform has become popular for its bots which can entertain you with funny videos, give make-up tips, and even order food. Although the Kin Foundation was not targeted by the SEC lawsuit, its proximity to Kik led to ongoing uncertainty around its future, the future of the Kin cryptocurrency and the ecosystem around it. The fully diluted valuation (FDV) of Kin (KIN) is $43,679,622. This is a statistical representation of the maximum market cap, assuming the maximum number of 10 Trillion KIN tokens are in circulation today. Depending on how the emission schedule of KIN tokens are designed, it might take multiple years before FDV is realized.
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